
We may think times are hard in the UK at the moment, and I’m sad we couldn’t parade today.  Though times were far worse for our ancestors, I have even seen worse in my service, and there are many suffering or at risk in dangerous places across our planet this very day. 

It is not about only the warriors who lay down their lives, it is even harder for families of those who have been lost. Those at home waiting for Dad, Mum, Brother, Sister, Daughter, Son, or loved one to come home.

Remembrance is not just a British commemoration, it’s also Armistice Day, Veterans Day, Anzac Day and a whole lot more for those across the world who gave the ultimate sacrifice, those who suffer still and those who are left. 

No matter how hard things may seem.  We must still remember them.

Posted on Thursday, November 12, 2020

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